Student Agreement

Attendee acknowledges reading and understanding ALL information contained in this Student Agreement regarding the Online/Live In-Person Seminar, and any/all other forms of educational/training communications collectively known as the “Education.”

I, the Attendee, understand that the Education is intended to provide me with information regarding the active investment/trading of financial instruments for my own account at an appropriate financial firm which utilizes the Electronic transmissions of financial instruments orders to execute trades for its customers. I understand the education is NOT preparation to be a Licensed Broker in the financial industry.

Representations: Attendee acknowledges that neither Market Maker’s Forex, INC, Beat the Market Maker, INC, and/or its affiliates (“Sponsor”) nor Sponsor’s representatives have made representations or guarantees other than those expressed herein; and Sponsor specifically disclaims any other representations or warranties. Moreover, Attendee recognizes and acknowledges that individual performance depends upon the individual skills, time availability, and dedication of Attendee in the Education. This student agreement represents the entire understanding and supersedes all prior statements, agreements and understandings, if any, either oral or written. Moreover, the Education should not be construed as a recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any financial instrument or the suitability of any investment strategy for Attendee. The purchase, sale, or advice regarding any financial instrument or system can only be performed by a licensed financial industry representative; such as, but not limited to Broker/Dealer, Introducing Broker, FCM and/or Registered Investment Advisor. Neither Sponsor nor its representatives are licensed to make such advisements. All Attendees are encouraged to speak with a licensed representative of their choice regarding the appropriateness of investing/trading or of any particular investment/trading strategy.

Refund Policy: Enrollment is guaranteed upon payment in full and receipt of this executed Student Agreement. Due to strict Attendee limitations, there are NO REFUNDS and ALL PAYMENTS ARE FINAL.

I understand that neither Sponsor, my taking of the Education, or any brokerage firm at which I open a trading account can offer me assurance that my trading will result in profits. I understand that any capital I allocate to trading during or after taking this Education may be lost in its entirety. I understand that I will be provided with information regarding investing or trading short term in some cases on an intra-day basis, trading on a longer term basis, and use of trading software and the data it displays; but, will not be given specific recommendations as to particular financial instruments to trade at particular times. Any live trades made during any portion of the Education are for educational purposes only and in no way should be considered recommendations. I UNDERSTAND THAT I TAKE ANY TRADES AT MY OWN RISK. All trading done by me before, during, or after the Education will be determined by me alone.

Please note: The materials presented during the Education are copyrighted and owned by the presenter; therefore, absolutely NO videotaping, voice recording, compilation for distribution or re-teaching is permitted. If Attendee is found to be making a prohibited recording or compilation for distribution of the Education, then recording and/or compilation shall by confiscated by Sponsor, Attendee shall immediately by expelled from the remainder of the Education, and no refund of any tuition shall be made.

I understand that Sponsor may terminate my participation in the Education at any time in its sole discretion. Upon such determination, it will promptly and fully refund the proportional tuition that correlates with the untaken portion of the class.

I hereby give Sponsor the absolute and irrevocable right and permission, with respect to the photographs, films, and video rapes that have been taken of me or in which I may be included with others.

You agree, through your use of this forum, that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person’s privacy, adult material, or otherwise in violation of any International or United States Federal law. You also agree not to post any copyrighted material unless you own the copyright or you have written consent from the owner of the copyrighted material. Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are also forbidden on this forum.

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You remain solely responsible for the content of your posted messages. Furthermore, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the owners of this forum, any related websites to this forum, its staff, and its subsidiaries. The owners of this forum also reserve the right to reveal your identity (or any other related information collected on this service) in the event of a formal complaint or legal action arising from any situation caused by your use of this forum.

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